ESP32 Easy To Follow Pinout No more confusion on GPIO selection Featured Image

ESP32 Pinout simplified: No more confusion when choosing GPIOs.

We all love to build IoT projects based on ESP32 boards because it has lots of GPIO pins to play. Many ESP32 lovers like me face a problem selecting appropriate GPIO pins or which pins to avoid for their projects.

We have wasted many hours on an ESP32 project due to the selection of the wrong GPIO pin and, we don’t want you all to be making the same mistake.

Therefore we have created this easy-to-use guide, simplifying the ESP32 GPIO selection process. If you use a bar ESP32 module in your project, this guide will be a handy tool for you.

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ESP32 Using SmartConfig

Changing Wi-Fi credentials in code for your ESP32 based IoT project is frustrating, right?

As most of us, either hard code Wi-Fi credential or will use famous Wi-Fi manager.

Apart from this, there is a method known as ESP-Touch, and it works on SmartConfig technology developed by TI.

We will explore SmartConfig technology, and you will be amazed as it is super simple to use and lightweight.

We will be using Arduino IDE for programming ESP32.

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ESP32 wroom 32d to new ESP32 wroom DA

ESP32 WROOM DA Module: Dual Antenna Precision

New ESP32-WROOM-DA module launched by Espressif System.
The most remarkable thing about this module is that it has a dual PCB antenna to achieve high-quality and Long-Range wireless connectivity across large areas.
This post will cover an intro to this new module with all specs that Espressif has provided, so stay tuned with us to know more about it.

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