programming Raspberry Pi Pico with Ardino IDE featuredimage

Programming Pi Pico with Arduino IDE: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Recently Raspberry pi foundation has launched the Pi Pico microcontroller board. This board had quickly gained the attention of the community due to its low cost and high performance.
In this tutorial, we will explore the Pi Pico board and, we will learn to program it using Arduino IDE.

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Arduino IDE 2.0 beta version

Getting Smarter with Arduino IDE 2.0

Finally, after a long time, a beta version is released of an advance Arduino IDE 2.0 Beta, which has all-cool new features needing for many years.

Once there is an official 2.0 released, there would be nothing like this as it’s the simplest IDE to use and carry all functionalities that a modern IDE should have.

All in all, to say it will be a game-changer for the community.

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