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Want to explore IoT projects? Then learning ESP32 is a great starting point. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install ESP32 in Arduino IDE. We will use Windows for this tutorial, but the same steps can be used for, mac and Linux OS.
To program ESP32, we have to add an addon package in Arduino IDE.
Arduino IDE is a great tool to start your electronics journey. It’s simple to get started with and have a large community to help you along the journey. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and set up Arduino IDE. Additionally, you will learn how to upload your first example sketch to the Arduino board.
New ESP32-WROOM-DA module launched by Espressif System. The most remarkable thing about this module is that it has a dual PCB antenna to achieve high-quality and Long-Range wireless connectivity across large areas. This post will cover an intro to this new module with all specs that Espressif has provided, so stay tuned with us to know more about it.
Logic AND gate is part of a small yet important digital logic Gate family. We all know the basic AND gate symbols or that Truth Table. But have never explored it in a fun way where you can use such logic gate combinations in your DIY digital circuits.
You will learn everything about AND gate from a truth table to using AND gate in your projects.
This tutorial shows how to send text messages (notification) or Images to your Signal app using ESP32. Now your ESP32 projects will be able to send any alerts on the Signal app. ESP32 will be programmed using Arduino IDE.
Want to learn how to use a multimeter? Then you are at the right place. This guide is for beginners who want to start using a multimeter and for those who want to learn more about their multimeters. As the name suggests, a multi-meter is a meter measuring multiple measurements like the voltage, current, resistance, and more. We should be thankful to Donald Macadie, the inventor of the first multimeter.
Blink an LED is like “Hello World” for an electronics lover. Blinking your first LED is like taking the first step to explore the whole new world of electronics. So we will show you 6 different ways of Blink LED using Arduino Board.
Finally, after a long time, a beta version is released of an advance Arduino IDE 2.0 Beta, which has all-cool new features needing for many years.

Once there is an official 2.0 released, there would be nothing like this as it’s the simplest IDE to use and carry all functionalities that a modern IDE should have.

All in all, to say it will be a game-changer for the community.