
ESP32 Projects, Tutorials and Guides with Arduino IDE

ESP32 is an Arduino compatible development board or SOC developed by espressif. ESP32 has a combination of both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities and also comes in single and dual-core. It also has capabilities such as capacitive touch, ADC, DAC, UART, SPI, I2C, I2S, and much more.

Due to its robust architecture and Arduino compatibility now ESP32 is widely used in many industrial applications, Home automation, and many IoT based products. ESP32 is an ideal choice for an Internet Of Things project.

ESP32 wroom 32d to new ESP32 wroom DA

ESP32 WROOM DA Module: Dual Antenna Precision

New ESP32-WROOM-DA module launched by Espressif System.
The most remarkable thing about this module is that it has a dual PCB antenna to achieve high-quality and Long-Range wireless connectivity across large areas.
This post will cover an intro to this new module with all specs that Espressif has provided, so stay tuned with us to know more about it.

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